I was playing madness project nexus ( I play in many different ways, that's what makes it longing and interesting) and I gave this guy the M-203 or the bazuka or rpg or whatever you wanna call it, and I was almost finishing the match and this guy suddenly decides to SWITCH THE PATETIC WALTHER (i know, I should have given him a better one, but I was saving money) FROM THE M-203 AND DECIDES TO SHOOT A ME! i was like "wait, nigga what? *explodes* NO!" Gladly I have my little tricky cheats and I click the main menu before I died uwu BUT NIGGA WHAT DID YOU JUST DID!?
Estaba jugando madness project nexus (yo juego de muchas formas, es eso lo que lo hace mas largo y interesante) y le di a este men la M-203 o bueno la bazuka o rpg o como le llamen, y estaba casi terminando la ronda hasta que este tipo de repente decide CAMBIAR SU ESTUPIDA WALTHER (lo se, debi darle una mejor, pero estaba guardando dinero) A LA M-203 Y DECIDE DISPARARME! estaba en plan "espera, nigga what? *explota alv* NOOO!!" Por suerte tenia mis pequenos truquillos y cliquee al menu principal antes de morir uwu pero WTF QUE TE PASA!? D:<
Note:I know I say some bad words, and sorry for that, but well I think that's the best way to describe the moment, and I was laughing instead of being mad xD I mean that match was not really that hard and it was funny how he screwed up everything and then that came out from my mind, but well, I guess you guys need to get used to it, I promise I will not be toxic
PD:Fuck you Cartiff
Nota:Lo se, digo malas palabras, y lo siento por eso, pero bueno es la mejor forma de describir el momento, y no estaba enojado me estaba riendo xD es decir, la ronda no estaba tan dificil y era gracioso como el arruino todo y luego eso se me vino a la cabeza, pero bueno, creo que se deben acomstubrar y les prometo no ser toxico
PD:Puto Cartirff
Also, is there a solution to make your alies don't act really bad? like, sometimes they are standing without doing nothing, and some other times they start sliding non-stop