#datnose XDDDD
holy shet this was so epic i love it, i want next part
#datnose XDDDD
holy shet this was so epic i love it, i want next part
cool, good message
fuck off peta
i am just going to give 1 star because of the star, that is amazing
now, that attempt of making people go vegetarian? fuck you petta at least put a M because there is so much cruelty and blood in the videos
PD:i love animals, i just don't understand why they blame carnivorous people? is the ones who kills the animals not the ones who eats them, use your brains
also, there are things that are good about killing animals, even though is bad, people just have too
is good because we are predators and we need to do our role, do you know what happens when we don't do our role? animals population can be so big that plants and things like that will go scarce and the animals will die from starving, is better to do our role balancing their population and killing them instantly (instantly... ha, i hate that slaughter houses make them suffer through the whole process when they can just kill them, like shoot them in the head, chickens i don't know but they know how to kill them so is better to do it instantly so they don't suffer) or is better to let them suffer from starving until they die?
is proved by science that if animals are not killed they will kill themselves from starving
the only thing i don't like, is cruelty on animals for fun or making a animal go extinct because of us people, at least they should try to not kill them all come on we are the smartest species on earth we should know when to kill a animal and when to give them some peace
pretty funny specially the voice actors xD
cool and fantastic game i really enjoyed playing this game
no instructions on how to play, but at least i figured it out
also, there are bugs like once you lose you can't start again, i need to make it collapsed and then expand to play again
one time, i don't know how i did lose because i was going so great with 400 (no minus sign or anything) and i lose anyways
i like it and it has a excellent difficulty
Thanks! I have to mention, it was really hard to balance it, so glad to hear the difficulty is ok!
cool version about snake, i love it, is addictive
this is incredible i love it i can't wait for the phone version
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Age 32
United States
Joined on 2/15/16