it was great, love the art xD but there is something i hate is the boss battle is fucking imposible because there is a bug that makes you go through the platforms, really annoying i give up
you should fix that because is unfair
it was great, love the art xD but there is something i hate is the boss battle is fucking imposible because there is a bug that makes you go through the platforms, really annoying i give up
you should fix that because is unfair
this was an unfinished project I made when I was 16, I never finished it because of school and I probably will never finish it, so I decided to just release the first level that I was able to accomplish, I wish school had not gotten into the way because I feel like this game had real potential.
i like the message at the end it was really a great end i love it, dude you are the best
wait... if shia is alive does that mean the chaotic girl is alive too :'D dude you really are epic xD i didn't expect that
i love your games and how you connect everything, so good that... i forgot her name again :"c well, the girl with yellow hair so good that she finally appeared
what was her name? i love the series but i have a awful mind specially if i get too many days without keeping up with it
also, i still want more challenging minigames so the games is more challenging, the history is perfect and minigames or not it will be the best
Thanks :) Her name is Sora
can't wait for next part! :"D
PD:i feel stupid because i did not see you left a download link so people can play it without lag Dx xD big fail just when i finished i noticed about that, does the data saved in the browsers transfers to the downloaded game? just asking
Yes, it does transfer, but the saved game will only being active in the web browser you used to play the game. If you clear the web browsers cache, cookies, etc. via CTRL+SHIFT+DEL or play the game in a different web browser, the saved game will disappear.
cool i really like it
Name:Simon Ghoul (Assault mode?)
Weapon:bowie knife, pistol and rifle on the back
Hair:Black hair with black cat hears also with a tail, he most of the times hide his tail and his ears even to people who already know that he has that
Hat:a device that makes that anything that he wants could appear, but at the cost of his vital life (appearing a rifle but it will hurt and he will lose health, not recommended to use)(actually is a green headphone xD)
Vest:some belts to save extra things
Body:a suit with a tie
Description:a normal guy with a normal live, nothing special, but if u make him angry, you will have a bad time.... well easy to kill xD he just has one life (and is not like sans) he can eat people when he is hungry and don't like to be hungry around friends because then he will need to hold his hunger as long as he can, not a fan of killing but if needed he will, he is respawneable everytime you kill him he will revive where? near his death of course in a safe place, he is weak but when he has weapons at least he can do something and when he is fighting he sometimes don't pay attention to taking covers so sometimes is really easy for enemies to kill him he just goes straight to the action to attack someone with his knife or with his pistol, very bad at rifles while running but better with pistols
Weapon:Sacred Sword in the right hand, and pistol in the left, also a shotgun sometimes in his back
Hair:black hair
Velt:sames as hank
body:black shirt
Description: a bounty hunter who keeps his identity in secret and he even wants to forget his real name and nacionality because of bad memories, was born in japan but he forgot japanese and also don't look japanese he just was born there in a clan, likes to do secret mission killing without anyone noticing and doesn't care about killing, likes to work alone because always things that when he had a teammate they can hold him back, has a girfriend called an- cough cough i mean carevila, she is not very creative xD, he is very fast and strategic and also has demon powers who he don't likes to use because he considers that "cheating"
Carevila (while working)
Weapon:silenced pistols
Hair:long brunette
Velt:same as care but shorter :v (actually i did not know what belt she should use xD)
Body:Black shirt
Description:bounty hunter same as care who does not like to do a massacre so when she kills she don't look at it or just try to make it not too bloody also she cares about people and take care about what bounties to accept, she don't accept bounties who are bad like kill a good president or a good guy, loves to help people and also has a bad childhood where she had become crazy and she needed to go to rehabilitation, she couldn't see the difference between good and bad and she wanted to kill everyone who is bad (but because she was crazy, she was killing even his parents because his parents hit her when she do things wrong (not like extreme or child abuse or something like that) she was there for 8 years and got out at the age of 14, sometimes she visits the guys who work there because they were there for her after her parents died and they were like her new parents, she had a lot of respect for them and really love them more than his real parents (well, they don't put a lot of obligations to her like cleaning the kitchen :v again, she did not receive child abuse, is just that her parents did not give her a lot of attention so that's why she love those guys more than her real parents who are dead because of her) she don't want to remember the day of the massacre because she don't wanted to kill them (she realize it was a bad idea while she was getting better) one day she was partner with carevil and felt in love with him, she name herself as carevila because she is not very creative xD and considered his cute to make it like that because it sounds kinda official, she don't wanted to be named angela don't even by his boyfriend because she want to leave it in the past or as a secret, always when she remember the dark day she have a headache
also likes to fake her identity in her missions and find a way to kill people without making them blood,
Carevila (off work)
Weapon:a pistol on her bag just in case of emergency
Hair:long brunette
Body:white shirt
Description:likes to spent time with her friends and and sometimes she likes to babysit, she has a huge house just for her friends that on the outside looks normal but is bigger than it looks, she just have it bigger because she wants to leave rooms for her friends, some of her friends don't have a home or just want to stay sometime there so that's why she buy a huge house, she likes to make friends and is very social, don't include her business in her normal life because she don't talk about her business unless his necessary because she wants to looks as a normal person
Jesus, I'm really sorry but I got lazy when I saw everything you wrote so I didn't read all of it xD
But anyway, thanks :)
...he can eat people...? Wow! and "unlike sans he's got only one life", bro this is a [Madness Combat] fan game xD
i like it and it has a excellent difficulty
Thanks! I have to mention, it was really hard to balance it, so glad to hear the difficulty is ok!
i almost miss the astronaut think and i was like "noooooooo" :'v i needed to start again xD ;u;
the kitchen xD senpai xDDD
so funny too and cool
i am confuse about sora rumors and everything, can you explain it to me? or just give me the name of the game where it mention it? (i guess, alula falling, but i am not sure, and who is sora? is the girl with yellow hair from alula falling? i will try to find out)
Sora is the girl with blonde hair from Dead Detention, she goes missing in the last episode of Chronicle Bulletin (which I haven't released yet :b)
stuck at 0% please fix
The game has been fixed, you can play again!
i like the narrator and the story is cool, it would be funny a parody about it xD continue doing work like this ;)
idk, pretty mixed reviews so far...
i like this episode
i wish you could make it into some kind of 2d action game xD it was very cool anyway love it
Thanks! You can play a quick after story episode here;
Andddddd there's a whole new 2nd season right now, episode 1 is here ;
i pass the game :D it was hard but entertaining xD the tip is not missing clouds or heroes so you can get more money
also, don't betray people
I'm glad to see someone found the clouds! Happy to hear that you got through and enjoyed the game.
Hey I play games and give some support, i can talk 2 languages spanish and english and I guess I can help translating.
Age 32
United States
Joined on 2/15/16